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Watch Shannon share about her experience with the Investor's Toolkit!

Watch Heather share about her experience with the Investor's Toolkit!

What you'll receive today for 50% off:
  • Step-By-Step Workbook/Video ($3,000 value) - This will help you set up your investing accounts and find quality investments so that you don't have to pay someone thousands to do it for you
  • Testing Tutorial ($500) - Takes you through each of the tools I use to avoid bad investments
  • Kevin's Monthly Stock List ($5,000) - I give you a list of stocks each month so that you can save time and quickly find quality investments
  • Investing Account Guide ($500) - This tool will help you choose the right investing account so that you are not confused or lost when opening your account
  •  Monthly Investing Q/A Calls ($1,000 value)* - Each month students will have the opportunity to speak with Kevin and ask questions about their investments live. Each session will be recorded. 

Monthly Investing Q/A Calls ($1,000 value) 

 Each month, students will have the opportunity to speak with Kevin and ask questions about their investments. Each session will be recorded. 

TradeCheck ($1,000 value)

 Each month, students will be able to submit 3 stocks to be evaluated by Kevin personally and receive his feedback.

"I was a newbie to the market before I met you and I decided it was time to find someone who didn’t mind sharing his knowledge. I knew about the stock market from TV and social media, but my friends and family were clueless.
You helped me understand fidelity and open an account as well. I have learned about fractional shares, stocks, stock language and numerous platforms to invest on. I own at least 10 different stock totaling over $30,000. I will be retiring in July, and I plan on learning even more. You are a very knowledgeable young man who has changed the trajectory of my life. Thanks for sharing your gift.

- Robin R.

"Wow!!! The course opened my eyes to being more intentional and responsible about how I can increase my earning power/gains with minimal loss. I make sure I research and follow the market closely (not daily) by using the tools you’ve taught. (EX. OF ONE- 6 -12 months reviews) It works!!
I retired during the pandemic. I tell you the tools received helped me to make 6 times on 1 stock alone. Therefore, I knew to sell some and hold a few shares. Because the stock is still good and it did drop. I’m still on the upside.  
So, I’m looking forward to more gains and enjoying my retirement. Now, I’m passing along Building Bread knowledge so my child and her children’s children shall have a place if you will in the race.  

- Donna H.

“This course has helped me to learn how to pick stocks, how to evaluate them and feel comfortable with my choices. I have learned how to setup my portfolio according to my risk tolerance. Since taking this course I have opened up an Roth IRA and a custodial account and have been actively investing on my own with no worries when the market is down."

- Chermeka K.

"Before your class, I only had my 401K. I wanted to start investing, but I didn’t feel confident because I didn't know where to start.

After your course, I opened a TD Ameritrade account and invested in 8 stocks. I review them every quarter, I'm but still holding them for the long term. "

- Ugunda W.

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